MEOC Grant Survey

Please take a few moments to fill out this brief survey. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Keim by phone at 207-581-3736 or by email at

MEOC Grant Survey

Please identify the relative importance of educational services needed by the population you serve:

1. Building College Awareness and Aspirations
2. Career Pathways / Career Planning Assistance
3. College Application Assistance and Fee Waivers
4. College Readiness and Adult Education Advising
5. Default Loan Rehabilitation and Avoidance
6. FAFSA Completion and Navigating Financial Aid
7. Financial Aid Awareness
8. Financial Literacy
9. Connect to Veterans' Services
10. Networking Clients with College Support Services
11. Prior Learning Assessment Assistance
12. Study Skills Development
13. Understanding College Options and Planning
14. Understanding Labor Market

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